VW Commercial vehicles: autonomous driving

Autonomous driving is a topic that is increasingly in focus. How far have autonomous vehicles already come and where are they heading? We take a look into the future with VW Commercial Vehicles, the world's largest car manufacturer, at the transport logistic 2019 trade fair in Munich.

Autonomous vehicles - science fiction or reality

Is autonomous driving still science fiction or already a reality? The answer is clear, because autonomous vehicles are already on the road at VW's factory premises. Audi in Ingolstadt already has a test track on the A9. It works, but there are still many challenges to overcome.

VW commercial vehicles transport logistic 2019 Munich Trade Fair
VW commercial vehicles simulation autonomous driving transport logistic 2019

Autonomous driving: G5 standard & legal framework

Theoretically, it is already feasible to build autonomous cars, but there are still many requirements that car manufacturers have no influence over. These include the 5G standard, for example, so that the car can communicate at all. This requires a clear legal framework in Germany and Europe. Only when these things have been clarified can manufacturers really start developing such vehicles. Otherwise, companies run the risk of investing a lot of money without having a market for the vehicles.

VW commercial vehicles simulation autonomous driving on factory site
VW commercial vehicles interview autonomous driving Bjoern Steuer
MesseTV Moderator Klas Boemecke VW transport logistic Munich Trade Fair
VW commercial vehicles interview Bjoern Steuer