Transportation and logistics innovations - transport logistic 2019 Munich

Transport Logistic is undoubtedly a leading trade fair and once again achieved top results in terms of exhibiting companies and visitors. As always, there were many innovations to see. Solutions to problems such as the shortage of drivers and challenges such as artificial intelligence.

The future of transportation and logistics

What are the trends in the industry? What are the new developments in transportation and logistics? Here in Munich, visitors can find out exactly that and set the right course for the future. Digitalization is undoubtedly an important topic. Here at the trade fair, you can find out what this means for companies in real-life applications. What does the future hold for transport & logistics? Messe.TV shows you some of the innovations that can be seen at transport logistic 2019 in Munich. DHL has created a trend radar for important topics, VW has its eye on autonomous driving and the winner of the Hyperloop SpaceX competition can be admired at the Technical University of Munich.

Digitalization of the transport and logistics industry

Change is taking place across the entire business world. The challenge is digitalization. Where does it make sense or is it essential to break new ground? Digitalization and electrification are making inroads and we will show you the solutions on offer at transport logistic.

Transportation and logistics on the road

The mail order business is booming in Germany. Road transportation is needed to get the goods from the shipper to the customer. This growth also brings challenges. The logistics chain must therefore function smoothly. This starts with ways to combat the shortage of truck drivers and extends to better vehicles, services and software solutions. Trucks are an important link in the logistics chain for the transportation of goods. Trucks are often perceived as a nuisance, but truck drivers do an important job. Without their work, our daily lives would hardly be possible. World of Heroes is dedicated to this topic.

Transportation and logistics by rail

The road infrastructure is increasingly reaching its limits. Concepts are needed to relieve the strain. Rail is an ecological alternative for the transportation of goods and merchandise. There are exciting approaches to further developing rail transport. From faster route planning for customers to electric and hydrogen trains.

Solutions for "The last mile"

Traffic in urban areas is an important issue for politics and business in times of particulate matter. This is another reason why the issue of local zero-emissions is so important in the area of last-mile delivery. There are interesting logistics approaches that can solve the problem of transport over the last kilometer and meter. Electromobility is a key approach here. The delivery of parcels and goods should become emission-free, especially for the last mile, i.e. in the city. Tradespeople should also be able to reach customers in urban areas without C02. What solutions will transport logistic 2019 be showcasing at the Munich trade fair?

More videos about Transport Logistic Munich

Transportation and logistics play a huge role in the movement of goods in the B2B sector and in the lives of all of us. Intelligent concepts are required to ensure that supplies are fast, reliable and sustainable. Digitalization and electrification play an important role in the industry. Added to this is the challenge of recruiting sufficient drivers and skilled workers for the transport and logistics industry. Accompany our visit to transport logistic 2019 in Munich!