Trade fairs are our passion. We report on innovations and trends at trade fairs. We present products and services from start-ups to global corporations at B2B and consumer trade fairs. We also conduct interviews with representatives of trade associations, industry experts, politicians, celebrities and event organizers.
The television landscape is changing radically - fewer and fewer people are watching traditional television. Today, people want to watch content when they have time: Video on demand. TV is smart today. Viewers put together their own program according to their own ideas. This is exactly where we see the future. We produce high-quality editorial content and make it available on demand. In addition, we use SEO and social media measures to ensure good visibility and distribution of the content.
The latest vehicles on the construction site and in transportation, technological developments in embedded systems, the hottest trends in the world of jewelry and fashion or cuddly teddy bears and educational robots at the toy fair - Messe.TV provides exciting insights.
What are the trends at each trade fair, how is the industry developing and which highlights are not to be missed? We talk to trade associations and organizers as well as experts and political representatives. In many ways, trade fairs offer a glimpse into the future of our living environment.