Ball puzzle-kit, Foooty

A ball for on the go? The "puzzle kit" from Foooty fits in your pocket and can be used to build a soccer, rugby ball or frisbee. Quick and easy!

Foooty ball for travel
Foooty travel toy ball playball MesseTV Jean Pierre Raes

The ball for on the go - fits in your pocket

Jenny Dettner: That looks exciting! What can you do with it? Jean-Pierre Raes: Make lots of shapes, it's a 2-dimensional puzzle piece that you can make all the shapes out of and then play with. Jenny Dettner: Okay, you can sort of assemble it and put it together? Jean-Pierre Raes: Yes, that's right. Jenny Dettner: What sports can you play with it? It looks like a soccer ball at first. Jean-Pierre Raes: Yes, a soccer ball, a rugby ball, a frisbee and juggling balls.

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playball on the go rugby travel ball

Putting soccer, rugby, frisbee & juggling balls together

Jenny Dettner: Wahnsinn! Damit kann man richtig Frisbee spielen? Jean-Pierre Raes: Wollen Sie es probieren? Jenny Dettner: Ja gerne, das probieren wir doch einmal aus! Ja funktioniert! Wieso ist da jetzt Luft drin? Im Ball sind so viele kleine Löcher. Jean-Pierre Raes: Wenn Sie im Haus spielen, geht nichts kaputt. Jenny Dettner: Wie sind Sie denn auf die Idee gekommen?

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The ball for indoors and outdoors

Jean-Pierre Raes: We made this for my son because he always wants to play soccer. Indoors or outdoors, everywhere. When we went on vacation, we always forgot the soccer. That's why we invented Foooty. Jenny Dettner: Does that mean you can fold the ball up really small and take it with you? Jean-Pierre Raes: Yes, absolutely. We put 10 puzzle pieces in one article and you can build anything out of them. Jenny Dettner: And how does it become a soccer? Jean-Pierre Raes: The pieces are elastic. You take two pieces and the unique thing about it is that you click the two-dimensional element into the other and it interlocks very strongly and holds together. You make a soccer ball out of 10 pieces, a rugby ball out of 8 and a frisbee out of 6. Jenny Dettner: How much does a ball like this cost? Jean-Pierre Raes: In the store €12.95. Jenny Dettner: The children are still busy putting it together. Win-win for everyone, for the parents and for the children. Jean-Pierre Raes: Yes, exactly