Innovative elevator belt - Aritec Synthetic fibers

The company Aritec specializes in synthetic fibres. At interlift 2023, a belt for elevators made of synthetic fibers will be on display - without any steel reinforcement.

MesseTV Interview Nadine Traber Aritec interlift 2023 Augsburg
Aribelt synthetic fiber elevator belts fair interlift

ARITEC New Material Groups AG, the Swiss specialist in the finishing and processing of synthetic fibers, is active in various branches of industry. One of these is the elevator industry. However, ARITEC also produces synthetic fibers for underwater applications.

Elevator belts: Synthetic fibers instead of steel reinforcement save CO2

At Interlift 2023, Account Key Director Nadine Trauber will be presenting the Aribelt, the first TÜV-certified belt reinforced with Aramit, a synthetic fiber. The belt is the first on the entire market to do without any steel reinforcement. Its advantages: It is considerably lighter, the necessary drive pulley can be smaller and it is more neutral in terms of CO2. It is suitable for various applications, for example for ropes that require cranes or in elevators. A machine fitted with elevator belts is available for demonstration purposes.

Aribelt elevator belts synthetic fibers Aritec interlift 2023
elevator belts synthetic fibers Aritec interlift Augsburg