Plastic sheathed ropes - ZIEL ABEGG

The international elevator technology company Ziehl-Abegg will be presenting a highly innovative product for the American market at interlift 2023. A plastic-sheathed rope technology is used here.

Ziehl Abegg elevator technology interlift 2023 Augsburg
MesseTV Interview Marc Hirsch Ziehl Abegg interlift 2023 Augsburg

The international ZIEHL-ABEGG is a German, family-run company founded in 1910 by the Ziehl family. The Ziehl family still plays an active role in the company today. With 100 locations worldwide, customer relationships have developed rapidly since the founding years, particularly in recent years.

Elevator components: Plastic jacket technology for the American market

Sales Manager Marc Hirsch is responsible for the North American market. He will be presenting the products for the North American market at Interlift 2023. As an example, he mentions the ZA top AM 200, a very innovative product for the American market, as a plastic casing technology was used here. This technology has already been used in Europe for more than 10 years. ZIEHL-ABEGG is the first to offer it on the North American market.

elevator drive with very small pulleys and plastic sheathed ropes ZA Top AM Ziehl Abegg interlift 2023
compact elevator drive ZA top AM Ziehl Abegg interlift 2023 Fair Augsburg

Plastic sheathed cable technology: Very small traction sheaves possible for elevator motors

The plastic-sheathed cable technology allows ZIEHL-ABEGG, as a motor manufacturer, to use very small traction sheaves. Small traction sheaves mean that the motor has to apply less torque, which allows for a more compact machine design. The main advantage is therefore that lighter and more compact, more efficient machines can be installed for the same payloads using plastic-sheathed rope technology. Elevator manufacturers can thus build more sustainably by saving on materials.

elevator drive with plastic sheathed ropes north american market Ziehl Abegg interlift 2023 Augsburg
novelty elevator drive ZA top Ziehl Abegg interlift 2023