Carrera RC - Novelties 2017

Carrera RC has some new products to discover again in 2017. Managing Director Andreas Stadlbauer shows our presenter Simone Dericks the best-selling Turnator, which is now available as an illuminated "Turnator glow in the dark". Mario and Yoshi float around the stand as if by magic - the flying rotor is barely visible. And then there's a VR drone that makes you feel like you're taking off yourself. Find out more in our video!

Trade fair appearance Carrera RC
MesseTV Contribution Carrera RC

Carrera RC - Turnator glowing in the dark

Simone Dericks: Hello Mr. Stadlbauer! You have to be careful where you step here. What great things do we have here? Andreas Stadlbauer: Hello, welcome. Our Turnator Glow in the Dark. One of the sharpest, fastest and most exciting products we have here at Carrera RC. Simone Dericks: It takes me a long time to drive it like this, because you do it from the hip. Andreas Stadlbauer: No, it's very quick. I think it only takes a minute to find out how the device works and how to ride the Turnator. Then it looks really great. Simone Dericks: What do I do with it in my free time? These tricks I see here - that's for boys and girls who like to drive around outside with remote-controlled cars? Andreas Stadlbauer: That's right, it's a product for indoor and outdoor use. That means I have just as much fun indoors as outdoors. Outside, of course, I have more space, can do even more stunts and pick up even more speed. Basically, it's a very simple principle. I control the 2 left wheels, then the 2 right wheels. If I go forwards, it goes forwards, if I go backwards, it goes backwards. And when I press the buttons in a staggered manner, this incredible action happens. Simone Dericks: It goes in all directions, 360 degrees. Andreas Stadlbauer: 360 degrees, it turns on its own axis. You use the speed and centrifugal force to do these stunts. Simone Dericks: Glow in the dark - I guess so, but what does it mean in particular? Andreas Stadlbauer: Yes, the Turnator - Glow in the Dark is a further development. We had a huge success with the first Turnator over the last 3 years. Now we've added a bit more light, which means I can now do great stunts in the dark using the various neon effects. Of course, it also looks great when you film it with your smartphone. Simone Dericks: Yes, I think so. For social media and communities. Andreas Stadlbauer: Exactly, it's really cool with the model.

Carrera RC Cars
Carrera RC Turnator Glow

Carrera RC - Super Mario helicopter

Simone Dericks: What else do we have new here? Andreas Stadlbauer: There are still many new products at Carrera RC. We can now immerse ourselves in the world of Super Mario, because Carrera RC has also made some changes to the Nintendo Family. Simone Dericks: Let's go and have a look! Andreas Stadlbauer: As you can see, Super Mario is one of our absolute highlights in the Carrera RC range. Mario is one of the most popular characters in the Nintendo family. We have taken a scene from one of the video games where Mario can fly with a cape or Joshi with his wings. Simone Dericks: You really didn't promise too much, he can actually fly! What age group are the flying Mario and Joshi made for? Andreas Stadlbauer: You can see from my smiling face that even adult Nintendo fans have fun. Simone Dericks: Yes. For young and old. Andreas Stadlbauer: The models are not difficult to fly, you only have two levers. It always flies straight ahead and I determine the direction by rotating it. It's really easy. Simone Dericks: Can I also fly it outside? Andreas Stadlbauer: Yes, I can fly it outside up to a certain height, but it is primarily intended for indoor use. But it doesn't hurt to take it out for a little spin on the terrace or balcony. Simone Dericks: I have my little controller with me and then it simply flies back to me. That's great! It's a kind of drone, is that what it's like? Andreas Stadlbauer: It's actually a Mario mini helicopter. Simone Dericks: A Mario mini helicopter? Andreas Stadlbauer: Exactly. But we took great care to ensure that you can hardly see the helicopter blades, so that you really get the impression that Mario is flying through your living room.

MesseTV Interview Andreas Stadlbauer Carrera RC
Super Mario Mini Helicopter Carrera RC

Carrera RC - Drone with VR glasses

Simone Dericks: But the topic of drones also exists here at Carrera RC, doesn't it? Andreas Stadlbauer: Drones are a huge topic. It involves a lot of technical innovation. We have also come up with something very special. Simone Dericks: Could we have a look at that? I'm very curious about that. Mr. Stadlbauer, drones were the big topic, I can already see that here. It's still on the ground, but it's a big topic at Carrera RC. Andreas Stadlbauer: It's a very big topic - we've combined it with 3D goggles and VR glasses. It's a topic that you see everywhere at the moment. Augmented reality is a huge topic. With our drone, the end user can very, very easily and very, very simply experience the fun of augmented reality. We have special glasses into which I simply clip my cell phone - it fits any format - close it. I can then focus it using adjustment screws and have the impression that I'm sitting in the drone myself and am the pilot. Simone Dericks: That means I have a 3D effect! Andreas Stadlbauer: As if you were inside the drone. But I think we'd better try it out, because then you can see it very well. Simone Dericks: Okay. Simone Dericks has the 3D glasses on and the drone is flown over the stand by an employee. Simone Dericks: The angle I have now is from the drone, right? Andreas Stadlbauer: Exactly, you are now sitting in the drone in 3D. You are the pilot and you see it. Simone Dericks: So I can really see everything from above, as if I were flying, as if I could hover. Can I also control the drone while wearing the goggles? Andreas Stadlbauer: That is possible, but it takes a bit of practice. Of course, it's even easier if you do it via the iPad. (iPad with a controller attached on both sides and a moving image from the drone's point of view). As you have the absolute control effect and also the drone in your field of vision.

Carrera RC VR Glasses virtual Reality Racing
VR Glasses Carrera RC

Simone Dericks: Can the drone also be used without these goggles? Andreas Stadlbauer: Of course. Without glasses is possible - with glasses is possible. But with glasses, we recommend that someone stands behind the person flying, because I only have the view from the drone and I can't see whether an object is approaching from below or above. We have 2.4 gigahertz technology here, which means a range of 50 to 70 meters - which is perfectly adequate. We are in the toy industry, so we follow the toy guidelines. At a distance of 70 meters, you would hardly be able to see the drone. Simone Dericks: What age would you say this toy becomes exciting or this leisure activity for? Andreas Stadlbauer: I would say that drones are just as exciting for younger people as they are for older people. It's more of a hobby product. You have to be a bit practiced when it comes to flying. But with a bit of practice, it's also suitable for younger children. Simone Dericks: After the fair is before the fair. Is there anything Carrera is already working on that you might surprise us with next year? Andreas Stadlbauer: Yes, the Carrera brand is known for technical innovation. We are working on many topics that we are gradually incorporating into our products. I'd like to reveal too much, but I'm not allowed to. That is quite clear. Next year at the trade fair, we will certainly see many beautiful new products with more technology. Technology is necessary, important and also fun - but for it to be fun, the end user has to be able to use it - that is very much in focus for us. In this respect, we will once again see many, many beautiful products in the car racing and RC sector at next year's trade fair. Simone Dericks: I'm very excited about next year, I hope to see you again then with great new products from Carrera. Thank you for now and I wish you another successful toy fair. Andreas Stadlbauer: Thank you very much for your visit.