The Gesellschaft für Moderne Kunst am Museum Ludwig is showing works by US artist Ser Serpas at ART COLOGNE 2023 in Cologne, democratically selected by the JUNGER ANKAUF initiative.

Viola Goergen assistant junior projekt management
Ser Serpas bulky waste Art Cologne 2023

Democratic selection of works by the JUNGER ANKAUF initiative

Following a democratic selection by the JUNGER ANKAUF initiative, the Gesellschaft für Moderne Kunst am Museum Ludwig is presenting works by the American artist Ser Serpas at ART COLOGNE 2023 in Cologne. The Gesellschaft für Moderne Kunst am Museum Ludwig is not a gallery in the traditional sense; it is the museum's support association with over 500 members, some of whom are international. Viola Görgen emphasizes the broad range of supporting members. Traditionally, the association presents a purchase at ART COLOGNE, which is donated to the Museum Ludwig after the exhibition. The object is therefore not for sale, but rather a presentation of the association's work and a preview of the new art object that will soon be on display in the museum.

Society for Modern Art Foundation Museum Ludwig
Junger Ankauf for Museum Ludwig Art Cologne 2023

Sculpture by the US-American artist Ser Serpas

At ART COLOGNE 2023, the focus is on a sculpture by the American artist Ser Serpas, which was purchased jointly by the "Junger Ankauf" initiative, a group of 20 members within the Förderverein, following a vote. The three works on display were not known to the group before the decision was made, so the outcome was open. The group relied on the spontaneous and site-specific approach of the artist, whose spectrum includes both structural and textual works.

Ser Serpas armchair sculpture Art Cologne
textual art poem found in a shopping cart Ser Serpas Art Cologne

Work from bulky waste and found objects on site

In May 2023, the artist conducted site-specific research on location in Cologne, collecting material in the urban space herself. The exhibited objects were created from bulky waste and found objects. With their proportions and fragile gravity, they express the raw, spontaneous working method of this interesting artist. During the work process, Ser Serpas also created a poem that she spontaneously immortalized on the wall. In contrast to the objects that will be handed over to the Museum Ludwig, this will only have a temporary character at ART COLOGNE.