Tips for ergonomic working: Effectively avoid back problems

A healthy back is the basis for a pain-free and productive working life. Ergonomic working plays a central role here, both in physically demanding jobs and in sedentary activities. Overloading can be avoided by adapting workstations to the natural posture of the body. Ergonomic aids such as height-adjustable work surfaces, back-friendly tools and regular periods of movement are of great importance. Whether carrying, lifting or working in static positions - working in a way that is adapted to the body protects health in the long term.

Aktives Schulter-Exoskelett S700 - exoIQ
exoIQ entwickelt innovative Exoskelette, die körperlich belastende Arbeiten in verschiedenen Branchen erleichtern. Ihre ...
hTRIUS: BionicBack Exoskelett - ergonomische Hebehilfe
hTRIUS ist spezialisiert auf die Entwicklung ergonomischer Exoskelette, die körperlich arbeitende Menschen entlasten. Da...

Exoskeleton to relieve work processes in industry

In industry, physically demanding tasks are often unavoidable. This is where exoskeletons offer an innovative solution for back relief. These portable devices support the body during heavy lifting or holding work by distributing the weight to other areas of the body or balancing it out with mechanical force. This protects the muscles and spine, which not only promotes the health of employees but also increases productivity. Exoskeletons are now available in various designs and can be adapted to the specific requirements of the workplace. This not only applies to industry - exoskeletons are also increasingly finding their way into work areas such as care.

Chairless Chair - noonee
Wer bei Montagearbeiten immer wieder den Arbeitsplatz wechseln muss, für den ist der Chairless Chair von noonee sicher e...
BionicBack Exoskelett - Help Tech
Help Tech GmbH entwickelt innovative Exoskelette, wie das BionicBack, die speziell für ergonomisch anspruchsvolle Arbeit...

Machine support: avoiding heavy lifting wisely

Lifting and carrying heavy loads is one of the most common causes of back pain. Mechanical support offers an effective solution here. Lifting aids, forklift trucks or cranes take over the strenuous tasks and thus relieve the strain on employees. At the same time, the targeted use of machines can make work processes more efficient. However, it is important that employees are trained in the use of these devices to ensure safe handling. This not only minimizes health risks, but also prevents accidents at work.

Hovmand Hebelift MRP2: Arbeitseffizienz & Rückengesundheit
Hovmand ist ein führender Hersteller von ergonomischen Hebelösungen, die speziell für die Handhabung schwerer und sperri...

Ergonomic workplace, even for office work

Ergonomics is also a decisive factor for back health in the office. An incorrectly adjusted sitting position or an unergonomic workstation can lead to tension and chronic complaints. Height-adjustable desks, ergonomic chairs and monitors at eye level help to minimize the strain on the back. Ergonomic keyboards and mouse pads can also help to prevent discomfort in the hands and arms. Another important aspect is the integration of movement into the working day, be it through short stretching exercises or by alternating between standing and sitting positions. A well-designed office workstation is therefore an important contribution to long-term health promotion.

Ergonomischer Arbeitsplatz - Vidajo
Ein höhenverstellbarer Arbeitsplatz, der nach Feierabend zum dekorativen Bild wird? Das klingt optimal fürs Homeoffice! ...