Green roofs - PLANTILE

Plantile originally comes from the horticultural sector. The company specializes in the greening of roofs. In recent years, the founders realized that green roofs were a big issue for their customers, which often ended up with the roofers. Together with its cooperation partner technigreen, Plantile will be presenting its green roofs at the DACH+HOLZ 2024 trade fair.

greening of roofs plantile roof wood
steffen meuwesen strategy marketing plantile

Boxes for green roofs: structure and installation

Plantile's aim is to help roofers, who are not gardeners, with the expertise from the horticultural business. Plantile develops gardener-quality pre-planted modules for the roof. This makes the roofer's work easier. The structure of such a green module consists of the drainage, the substrate and the pre-greened plants. The roofer can line up module after module, completing the entire green roof. A gravel strip with protective fleece and root protection film underneath completes the whole thing on all sides.

gardener planting the roof wood 2024
flat roof greening resistant roof plants

Where can Plantile green roof modules be used?

The green modules can be used on flat roofs and roofs with a low pitch. These are usually garages, bungalows, sports halls or public buildings with such roofs. These buildings often have black roofing felt that heats up quickly and needs to be renovated after around 20 years. A green roof forms a protective layer on top. Nature is thus moved a few meters upwards.

Green roof planting: Sedum species largely resistant to drought

Plantile's green roofs are of high quality and extremely drought-resistant. This suits the extreme situation on the roof, where there is normally no irrigation. The plants must therefore remain vital even during long periods of drought. Grasses and other plants are not suitable for this, plants of the Sedum genus show the desirable resistance. They come in many different species, all of which can cope with drought thanks to their protective mechanisms. They also maintain a cooling effect for the building below. Weeds and foreign growth have practically no chance, as the modules are supplied pre-planted and are placed close together. Ideally, flying seeds do not even reach the substrate, although this is not impossible, but the chances are minimized.

drought resistant roof plants sedum
green roof plant module plantile
plants roof roof module plant plantile

Sloping roof greening with plastic grass grids as a support

The next development step with our partner technigreen involves getting the plants onto a pitched roof. One option is to use pre-planted plastic grass grids. This project will start in summer 2024. It is also an issue for roofers when it comes to pitched roof greening. This variant does not involve conventional roof tiles, it is a pure green roof. This means that the roof tiles are replaced by a greener alternative.

roof drainage substrate pre fertilized plants

More green roofs for more climate protection

From Plantile's point of view, the more green the better. It's a huge topic in climate protection adaptation. Heavy rain events, heat, agglomeration effects - green on the roof helps to contain them. Green roofs could be the future. Wherever the technical conditions for greening work, it should be ventured. The Plantile team, gardeners at heart, are looking forward to more green roofs.