Fashion designer Lea Rudzki presents collection for ARTMUC 2024

The young designer Lea Rudzki has just completed her studies at the University of Fashion and Design in Munich. Messe.TV meets her at ARTMUC 2024, where Lea Rudzki presents part of her graduation collection and gives an insight into her working world and her work.

amd artmuc munich
lea rudzki fashion design studies amd

Raising awareness of endometriosis with fashion

In her work, the artist has dedicated herself to making the disease endometriosis visible. The organic-looking garments are very fragmented and clearly show how deeply rooted this disease is in those affected. As this disease is widespread but still very unknown and therefore invisible, Lea Rudzki wants to improve the visibility of the disease through her fashion. An important tool in her work is liquid latex, which is able to make the adhesions that occur inside the body as a result of the disease visible in fashion.

endometriosis fashion collection
latex fashion art collection fashion academy

Lea Rudzki visualizes the disease endometriosis with fashion design

Among other things, it shows a jumpsuit with two accessories, which is intended to visualize the pain of the women affected. The jumpsuit is covered with colored elements that are intended to make the spread of pain throughout the body visible. The young artist's unique style is already very recognizable in her works.

fashion art studies graduation collection
jumpsuit lasercutter collection modeakademie munich