BDI: Federation of German Industries

The Federation of German Industries (BDI) is the umbrella organization of German industry and industry-related service providers. It represents the interests of 39 industry associations and over 100,000 companies with more than eight million employees.

bdi bundesverband der deutschen industrie ev
german industry lobby association

Tasks and objectives of the BDI

The BDI is committed to safeguarding and promoting the common interests of the industrial sectors it represents. In doing so, it works closely with other leading business organizations. A central concern of the BDI is to strengthen Germany as an industrial location and to secure its competitiveness on a global level. This includes promoting innovation, ensuring fair trading conditions and supporting the digital transformation. The association is also involved in areas such as energy and climate policy, education, securing skilled workers and infrastructure development.

Organization and structure

The BDI is organized in many different ways to reflect the breadth of German industry. Opinions are formed in numerous bodies, including committees and working groups, in which over 1,000 knowledgeable people from companies of all sizes and sectors participate. The association is headed by the Executive Committee, consisting of the President, his elected successor, his immediate predecessor, other deputies and the Treasurer. The Executive Board is made up of the President, the Vice Presidents and the Chairmen of the member associations.

Current developments

In November 2024, Peter Leibinger was elected as the new President of the BDI. He will take office on January 1, 2025, succeeding Siegfried Russwurm. The BDI recently expressed concern about economic development in Germany. In its Industry Report 2024, the association forecasts a decline in industrial production of three percent and calls on politicians to take measures to strengthen the industrial location. The BDI also emphasizes the need to invest in raw material security in order to secure the long-term supply of German industry. At the Raw Materials Congress in November 2024, the association called for greater political commitment in this area.

Website of the association:

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